For this picture I use my camera to the project mode, and used crop too: 1:1 ( square) brightness: 12 and contrast : 8. I choose this because it give me the very strong composition view, the hallway makes the big square to the little square, i think that's very interesting. And the window which is end of the hallway was the centre of this picture. The light form the square, and the pictures which were on the wall are very regular.

For this picture I use my camera to the project mode and use the vivid to capture this picture and I used crop tool: 1:1 ( square) Brightness: 61, Contrast :8, curve: input, and output 97 and 93, and photo filter: yellow. I choose this picture because it not only shows the strong composition but also shows the 2 different world. The street was the centre line of this picture. At the left side of the street was grass which represented the nature and the right side of the street was the road which represented the urbanization. the lines of street, road, grass, lights, and houses form the very beautiful composition. And the background was nice too.

For this picture I use my camera and turned to landscape use standard mode. And I used crop tool: 1:1 square, brightness: 23, Contrast 47, and photo filter: warming filter ( 85). I choose this picture because I think it shows very strong composition. In this picture you will see the sea, the mountain line, sunset glow and the cloud form the straight line. The color was from dark blue to the lighter blue and red, then from the lighter blue to the dark blue. The color was very interesting.
Very nice compositions, Esther. Can you put your camera on manual mode? I want to make sure you get the most from it!